Meeting opened at 6pm
All elected members were present
Minutes from 2-22-2023 meeting. Val made a motion to accept, Sharon seconded. Minutes were unanimously accepted.
Treasurer's Report
Val provided the Treasurer’s Report
• $3,116.38 in membership account
• 62 members for 2023
• $3,935.86 in donor account
The Website
Sara reported that the WIX Website is due to renew by 4-27-2023 with a cost of $204.48. Mitch made a motion to renew the WIX website cost of $204.48 and Val seconded. The motion passed.
Six (6) members have signed up for the website. New board members and January 2023 minutes were added to the website.
Archaeology account has $6652.06
A $500 donation was made to Old Pueblo Archaeology Center.
Social Events did not have a meeting last month. It will begin meeting about the last week of April.
Park Stewardship Assignments
Mitch - Feb 26-Mar 11
Pat - Mar 12-25
Sharon - Mar 26-April 8
Sara - Apr 9-22
Val - Apr 23-May 6
Miki - May 7-20
Derek - May 21-June 3
Cheryl - June 4-17
It was noted that there has been an increased amount of dog waste and trash debris.
Old Business
Sara, Derek and Val noted that their newsletter routes went well.
Ward 2 Open House was poorly attended by the public with many complaints about wash and homelessness.
New Business
Mitch would like to receive noted City code violations by Friday.
Old Business On Hold
no update
Next meeting will be April 26, 2023 at 6:00 pm via Zoom
The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 pm.
Submitted by Cheryl Hoffman, Secretary