Resident Association Membership
Membership is voluntary but it helps our neighborhood. Association dues are only $45 a year and improve our community in many ways including: bridge area landscape maintenance and building a sense of community through our yard sales and holiday events. To join the Vista Del Rio Resident’s Association print out, complete, and send in the membership form with payment (payment and mailing details are located on the form).
What do annual membership dues of $45 provide?
Common Area Landscape Maintenance (Bridges & Entrance area)
Yard Sales in Spring and/or Fall – Ads in the Star & Craig’s List
Halloween Security Patrol
Holiday Hay Ride – Professional Stables & Insurance
Holiday Lighting Contest – Awards
Communicate to Residents by Printing & Distributing at least 5 Yearly Newsletters and event flyers
Update and Maintain VDR website:
Liability Insurance: Hay Ride, Yard Sales, Annual Meeting, Social Events
Administration of $65K Tohono O’odham Grant received in June 2005 to “assist with expansion and educational programs at Archaeology Park.” Created a brochure that tells the history of this Hohokam Village Site. Events have included several Day at the Park events and the annual archaeology park tours provided by Old Pueblo Archaeology Center, a Tohono O'odham Storyteller, a Star Gazing event, Halloween Storytelling events and several collaborations with Girl Scouts & local private and public schools.
Maintain Post Office Box
Annual Meeting Costs
Maintain Banking Accounts: Operations from Membership Dues, Archaeology Site Contributions, and $65K Grant funds
Social Events: Summer Social
Crime Prevention Awareness – Have conducted crime prevention presentations in collaboration with TPD and Pima County Attorney’s Office and will arrange for Neighborhood Watch presentations as requested.
You can count on your board of directors to:
Hold regular meetings to plan activities and events & carry out all logistical aspects of plans
Hold an annual meeting and the election of residents to the board of directors
Be Stewards of the Vista Del Rio Cultural & Resource Park – bi-weekly clean-up
Create, copy and distribute, by walking door to door, the newsletters and other notices
VDR Cultural Resource Park (Archaeology Park) Stewardship for preservation and appropriate use of park
Maintain a positive relationship with the Ward 2 Council Office
Maintain a working relationship with Eastside Parks & Recreation Supervisor
Continue a collaborative relationship with Casa Rio Homeowners’ Association
Arrange for the removal of grocery carts, trash, and weeds in the wash
Respond to inquiries and concerns
Gathered 255 petitions to resurface our neighborhood streets in asphalt. Resurfacing is scheduled for 2023.
Honors & Awards
May 31, 2009 – 2009 Historic Preservation Certificate from the Tucson-Pima County Historical Commission
June 2007 – 2007 Tucson Xeriscape Contest Winner – for public education/archaeological & use of native plants
June 10, 2005 – 2005 Governors Heritage Preservation Honor Award
2005 – Funding of $65K from a portion of the Tohono O’odham Nation gaming revenues to assist with expansion (park up-keep and stewardship) and educational programs for the Vista Del Rio Cultural and Resource Center Park.