Meeting opened at 6:06 pm by Derek Daniels
Members Present: Miki Zeman, Val Reynolds, Cheryl Hoffman, Mitch Kagen, Sara Read, Jacob Byron, Derek Daniels, Pat Weidhopf, Sharon Spiker
Minutes from JULY 1, 2024 meeting acceptance was nominated by Val and seconded by Sharon and unanimously approved by all present members.
Treasurer’s Report
membership account. $4079.26
membership update. 63 households
donor plaque account $3935.86
Val needs the login to the bank in order to access bank statements. PO Box renewal is due August 2024.
Website Report
Face book page is up and running :Vista DelRio Neighborhood QR Code and dues payment will be included in the next newsletter.
Committee Updates
Archaeology Report
Account Balance: $4252.06
Vista Del Rio Archaeology Day at the Cultural Resource Park is still scheduled for
October 19, 2024. Derek will contact Fruchtendler Elementary school and Casa Rio
Neighborhood about date. Day at the Park flyer expense will come from Achaeology Account.
The Tohono O’odham financial support committee has not contacted VDR regarding grant proposal.
Park Stewardships
Derek June 16-29
Mitch June 30-July 13
Cheryl July 14-27
Sara July 28-Aug10
Pat Aug11-24
Jacob Aug 25-Sept7
Mitch Sept 8-21
Miki Sept 22-Oct 5
Val Oct 6-19
Old Business
Independent Oversight & Accountability Committee
Notification of streets repaving will be included in the next newsletter. Derek met with Jim Degrood, Project Manager, in the middle of June. Utilities assessments will begin around August 12, 2024. Weekly meetings are scheduled. Degrood indicated that action on the streets will begin in September or October.
The City Ward 2 office came out and cleaned up the wash behind the cul-de-sacs. Derek pointed out that the bridges over the wash are in need of repair and an excavator may be available to clean-out main part of wash. There are no huge projects from Ward 2 and Paul Cunningham.
Fees increase for 2025 was discussed. Val will do projections of revenue and expenses for 2025. She says that VDR has several hundred flexible dollars available.
Next newsletter is scheduled for distribution for the weekend of August 10-11.
New Business
Venmo, Zelle and QR Code will be included in future newsletters and has not been incorporated. Jacob will check of cost of Venmo.
Facebook account has been created and should include people who live, own in VDR. Board Services, and determining what neighbors want from the Association
Next regular Board Meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 9, 2024 @ 6pm via Zoom.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:16 pm
Submitted by Cheryl Hoffman, Secretary