Save the Date! Holiday Celebration
Saturday, December 14th 2:00-4:00 pm
2751 N Essel (Third Cul de Sac on North Essel Drive)
Due to resurfacing of our neighborhood streets, the Vista Del Rio Residents' Association will be unable to host our annual hayride. As an alternative, the VDR Board will be providing hot chocolate, hot cider, snacks and holiday music on Saturday, December 14th from 2:00pm to 4:00pm at 2751 N Essel.
The VDR Board will be collecting Community Food Bank food donations and cash contributions. The Board will also be collecting unwrapped toys for donation to the Toys for Tots Tucson. Please come by to visit with neighbors, spend time with the VDR Board, and view the beautiful display of holiday decorations and lights.
2024 Holiday Decorating Contest
Voting by Neighborhood
Please join the Vista Del Rio Residents' Association in our annual holiday decorating contest. Contest results will be decided by neighborhood voting. Voting details and information will be provided in the December 2024 Neighborhood flier.
Day at the Park - A Success!
On Saturday, October 19th the Vista Del Rio Residents' Association hosted our Archaeology Celebration at Vista Del Rio Park. The VDR Board and Old Pueblo Archaeology joined hands to provide a fun and educational experience for families and children. Thank you to those who attended the event. The VDR Board looks forward to delivery of similar events in the future to benefit the neighborhood.
Vista Del Rio Streets
Resurfacing to start after Thanksgiving
The VDR Board's continued involvement in recent Independent Oversight and Accountability Commission meetings confirmed resurfacing schedule to start after the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday. The Vista Del Reio neighborhood resurfacing is happening in conjunction with resurfacing of Colonia Verde neighborhood North of the Sabino Canyon and Tanque Verde Safeway. Timeline for repaving completion is subject to materials availability and project coordination, but the IOAC and the City of Tucson are hopeful to have resurfacing completed before the end of 2024.
6 Ways to be a Neat Neighbor
Please reference the City of Tucson Environmental and General Services "6 ways to be a Neat Neighbor" for maintenance of property. Being a "neat" neighbor allows our neighborhood to be attractive, improve home values, and make for a safe environment.
Connecting with your VDR
Please visit and join our neighborhood Facebook Page. Residents of the community are welcome. We look forward to a diverse delivery of information from the VDR Board!
Please join our association as a new member or renew your existing membership. Association dues are only $45 a year and are used to improve our neighborhood community in many ways - including bridge are landscape maintenance, annual yard sale ads, web site costs, Holiday Hayride and other activities and events.