Meeting opened at 6:05pm.
Members Present: Pat Wiedhopf, Sharon Spiker, Cheryl Hoffman, Derek Daniels, Sara Read, Miki Zeman, Jake Byron
Members Absent: Val Reynolds
Minutes from 1-10-24 meeting were unanimously approved
Treasurer’s Report
membership account. $3231.90
membership update. 39 households
donor plaque account $3935.86
Officer Elections
Derek Daniels was nominated for President by Cheryl Hoffman, seconded by Miki Zeman.
Unanimously accepted
Miki Zeman was nominated for Vice-President by Cheryl Hoffman, seconded by Sharon Spiker.
Unanimously accepted.
Cheryl Hoffman was nominated from Secretary by Mitch Kagen, seconded by Miki Zeman.
Unanimously accepted
Val Reynolds was nominated for Treasurer by Sharon Spiker, seconded by Sara Read.
Unanimously accepted.
P.O. Box keys will be given to Derek. Jacob will receive a copy of By-Laws.
Possibility of making Facebook private to all VDR members will be investigated by Jake.
Website Report
January minutes, VDR By-laws and new board information will be posted to website.
Committee Updates
Archaeology Report
Balance $6652.06 Account checks will be sent to PO Box.
Old Pueblo Archaeology Center Park Tour is scheduled for March 2, 2024 from 9-11am with an encore tour from 1-3pm if morning tour fills up.
A $500 donation will be given to OPAC. Unanimously accepted
VDR Archaeology Day at the Park has been tabled. Miki will investigate Native American participation input. Pat will locate Park Grant and send to Miki.
Social Events Committee
Kids Fest-April 6-location unknown-movie, games etc to be included. Rental of Udall Park Ramada is $25
Park Stewardships
Derek Feb-25-Mar 9
Cheryl Mar 10-23
Sara Mar 24-April 6
Pat April 7-20
Mitch April 21-May 4
Sharon May 5-May 18
Val May 19-June 1
Miki June 2-15
Jake June 16-29
Old Business
Independent Oversight & Accountability Committee-next meeting is scheduled for April 22, 2024
Our neighborhood is still scheduled for the first phase of street re-paving(re-surfacing?)
Park Cleanup is scheduled for Monday, June 15, 2024
Porch Fest is tabled until the Fall
Yard Sales Event is tabled until the Fall. Jake will look into.
New Business
Roll-offs are scheduled for March 1-4
Book Club resumes soon
Jacob will assume vacant distribution route
Old Business on hold
Archaeology Park/City of Tucson
Ramada resealing
Sidewalk damages, tripping hazards
DAC Meeting- March 5:30-7:30pm
Next regular Board Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday March 12, 2024 @ 6pm via Zoom
Meeting was adjourned at 7:15pm
Submitted by Cheryl Hoffman, Secretary